DESMI enhancer system for fluid management


Proven pollution clean-up solutions for Oil Spill, Seaweed & Clean Waterways. Whether the requirement is for offshore, or nearshore, the Arctic or Equatorial environment, we continue to deliver proven solutions for all spill conditions including marine debris and seaweed.

  • Oil Spill Equipment
  • Oil Containment Booms
  • Oil Skimmers
  • Waste collection & Marine debris management
  • Seaweed solutions
  • Workboats
  • And much more


DESMI is your preferred supplier

Since the late 1980es, DESMI EnviRo-Clean equipment has been involved in cleaning up after every major Oil Spill around the world. Our decades of experience have provided us with industry know-how that is second to none and a range of technology solutions that help transform political intentions to practical action. Our solutions are trusted by agencies and organisations around the world.



Oil, plastic and seaweed

Our EnviRo-Clean brand of pollution handling equipment was originally developed to handle oil spills with solutions such as Oil Skimmers, Pumps, and Oil Containment Booms. But oil spills are not the only problem facing the world’s oceans and inland waterways, and we also have extensive expertise in handling plastic pollution. In recent years, we have also developed seaweed abatement solutions that help protect beaches from seaweed to the benefit of tourists and local wildlife.


Pollution knows no borders. Neither do we

EnviRo-Clean products are developed through close cooperation with the agencies and organisations that use them. By actively involving our end-users, we ensure that our pollution response solutions match the requirements of the people working on the front lines to save our precious water resources. Our global network of agents and representatives ensures that our customers can always find the support they need when the clock is ticking and fast response is of the essence.


Contributing to cleaner waters

Our vision at DESMI calls for sustainable and viable growth. Our EnviRo-Clean portfolio of products contributes very directly to realising this vision, protecting water resources from pollution, and thereby contributing to a more sustainable future. We are honoured to be involved in protecting wildlife, fauna, and water resources all over the world.


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

For years, DESMI has been committed to sustainable growth and as a natural step now also to the UN sustainable development goals set up by UN, and we stand together with local authorities and other manufacturers to try to make a difference.


DESMI delivers a wide range of equipment for oil spill, seaweed and clean waterways. It is a full range of equipment and always state-of-the-art with regard to quality and design.


Shoreline systems, Nearshore systems, Dispersant Systems and more packages.


After delivery of the systems, we offer worldwide comprehensive commissioning.


Global Contacts

DESMI is a global company

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