A Superior Fence Boom
GlobeBoom® range is unique in many ways. It can be used as a fast response boom or for permanent installations. It can even be stored on a reel thanks to the special high density polyethylene (HDPE) round floats that can easily nest.
The floats are of a hemi-spherical design and are extremely abrasion and crush resistant. Each globe has a cast handle that allows for easy handling. Attached to both sides of the boom, they create excellent stability and also minimise reactionary forces being transmitted to the fabric generated by wave action. This also means the boom is more responsive to short period waves. Thus the globe float is far better than an enclosed or bolted ‘square’ float configuration. GlobeBoom® also resists the planing failures and has operationally outperformed all other designs in its class for the difficult and demanding fast water and river applications.
However, GlobeBoom® is equally at home in sheltered waters and can be deployed without power packs, reels or inflators making it a superb first response option.
Because of its rugged, yet flexible construction, GlobeBoom® ED is the boom of choice in situations where it is frequently launched and recovered such as on terminal piers and wharfs where transferring vessels are boomed off as a precautionary measure.
The GlobeBoom® float shape, ED’s tough barrier fabric and chain ballast also make it a first choice in fast current settings, particularly where debris is a concern. ED is available in four tested and proven standard sizes, and can be custom tailored to your needs.

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