Mini-Max Oil Skimmer

MINI-MAX is a self-adjusting weir skimmer.


The unique MINI-MAX is a self-adjusting weir skimmer that is capable of recovering a wide range of oils and products floating on the water surface. It is ideal for small industrial separators, tanks and waters. This skimmer can be coupled directly to a vacuum truck or other suction pumps such as diaphragm pumps.

The MINI-MAX is ideal for skimming a wide range of products – as long as it floats and flows the MINI-MAX will be able to recover it!


The MINI-MAX skimmer head may be connected to any self-priming suction pump - preferably with a variable speed and a two or three inch suction connection. DESMI is able to provide a variety of pumps to suit many applications.

Capacity and viscosity handling of the skimmer head is determined by the suction pump or vacuum system attached to the skimmer. Vacuum systems are ideal as they can pull a deep suction.



  • Totally self-adjusting articulated weir lip allows the weir to fully react to water movement
  • Shallow draught and lighweight, the MINI-MAX is ideal for industrial, inland and coastal oil spill operations
  • 360 degree uninterrupted flow of oil into the central hopper, with buoyancy provided by the central float
  • Reliability, as the MINI-MAX is constructed from robust materials and is virtually maintenance-free. It is ideal for installation in Oil Pits, API separators and other process lagoons
  • Simple operation - the MINI-MAX does not require compressed air or hydraulic power to adjust the skimming depth, this is simply achieved by regulating the suction rate
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