Octopus In-line Skimmers

The DESMI Octopus In-line Skimmer is designed for collection of particularly medium viscous oil, but also performs very satisfactory on light oil, even down to 200cSt.


The unique designed brush belts ensures an optimal oil access to the bristles. The skimmer design base on one module comprising five brush belts. The brush belt module are forming a collection area in front of the buoyancy wall of the skimmer, where behind a DESMI DOP Dual 250 is placed. All connections for hydraulics and discharge are behind the boom system for easy connection.



This special designed skimmer has a progressive oil recovery capability compared to the well-known DESMI Ro-Skim, which is a more traditional weir skimmer. The buoyancy wall of the DESMI Octopus In-line Skimmer has hinge connectors to allow the incorporation in a DESMI Speed-Sweep, which have connectors in the center of apex.


The collecting system enables the skimmer to operate at high pickup rates with a minimum of water content. This was proven at the ASTM standard test protocol program in OHMSETT were an oil efficiency was measured to 98.4% on oil type I-II (7°C) 500-800cSt.

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