
An Integrated Boom and Skimming System


The RO-SKIM is positioned at the optimum location for oil recovery.

The RO-SKIM is a special section of RO-BOOM that has been fitted with a weir and DESMI DOP 250 or DOP 160 pump.

The RO-SKIM is available in five sizes to mate with RO-BOOM 1000, 1300, 1500, 1800 and 2000.

The weir is ideally placed for collection of the oil that is building up against the face of the RO-BOOM.

One or two RO-SKIM units can be coupled together in one long boom assembly offering a high recovery rate.

The RO-SKIM is ideal for open sea sweeping operations.




  • Modular system that allows configurations to be built according to requirements
  • RO-SKIM is a special section of RO-BOOM – independent skimmer and boom configurations
  • Weir built into the boom system and therefore follows the wave movements
  • Skimming depth can be remotely adjusted.

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